The Bend in the River

The Bend in the River

A heart-wrenching tale of a mother, who in a short space of time has to come to terms with losing her young offspring to a mysterious illness and his father who is killed by a pack of dogs. The mother, an aging Vixen, pines for her long lost home in the north country and sets off on an epic journey with her surviving cub, now a capable but arrogant young male fox.

The country they traverse and the animals and people they meet make this an enthralling read, containing as it does many instances of pain and pleasure whilst always showing these animals as they really can be.

You can purchase a paperback version of this book directly from me for £9.99 plus £2.50 P&P by clicking on the 'Buy Now' button or buy the Kindle e-book version for £1.02 via Amazon.

Diamond Fire

Diamond Fire

Ian Sandison, a designer - jeweller, stumbles over the body of his business partner in their office in Hatton Garden which sets him on a downward spiral from wealth to penury. He loses his business, his home, the trappings of his luxury life and seeks solace in the empty places of the North of Scotland.

There he meets Rachel Forbes the timid daughter of the repugnant village shopkeeper, for whom he does occasional work. Their friendship enrages her father and ignites a passion that has terrible consequences.

This is the first book in a planned trilogy chronicling families where ruthless behaviour even including murder becomes common place.

You can purchase a paperback version of this book directly from me for £9.99 plus £2.50 P&P by clicking on the 'Buy Now' button or buy the Kindle e-book version for £1.52 via Amazon.